Let’s talk about hikes on Bowen Island. We’re fortunate to have many trails and hikes here. A few near the cove, others further away. This article breaks down into Snug Cove Area, and Beyond The Cove to show the hikes and trails close by and further away. Links either go to a more dedicated article, or coordinates to the trailhead.
If there’s hikes we haven’t covered yet, see Bowen Island Trail Society for more info or All Trails.

Snug Cove Area Hikes
These are hikes or walks in the Snug Cove area or walkable from Snug Cove. Listed in order of difficulty with easiest being first.
- Kilarney Lake, 45min to trailhead, 2.5 hour round trip
- Dorman point, 5min to trailhead, 1.5 hour round trip
- Mount Gardner, 1hr to trailhead, 5 hours round trip
Further away hikes on Bowen
For these further away hikes, we’ve linked to google maps start coordinates, and given eBike times to get there from Snug Cove.

- Mount Collins (All Trails), 45min to trailhead, 2hr round trip
- Sea Walk from Collingwood Lane to Lighthouse, eBike to start 40min to trailhead, 40min round trip
- Headwaters Park, eBike 35min to start, 35min round trip
- Waterfall Trail in the Cape Roger Curtis area, eBike 50min to trailhead, 20min round trip, “Easy Rock Climbing” to get to beach, it’s a bit of a scramble. Waterfall is only worth it if it’s been raining hard for the last week or so.
- Veterans Park Disc Golf Course, eBike 45min to start, 35min round trip
- Golf Course Hike, 50min to trailhead, 2hours round trip

Sea Walk Hike: start at Collingwood Lane and make your way South towards Lighthouse Lane. Round trip is about 40min to 1hour. Outhouse located at Roger Curtis Lane.
Pro tip: Roger Curtis Beach is also one of our favourite picnic destinations.
There are many great trails and hikes on Bowen Island. We’ve covered a short list of some of our favourites.
Let us know which one you plan to tackle first?