

Damage To Parts: Prior to checking out, we place a hold on your credit card as a damage deposit to cover minor to major repairs. Any damaged or lost gear will be charged to the renter at the full, retail price.

Crashes: Crashes happen; and our mechanic needs to evaluate all bikes and batteries after a crash. A charge is levied for each bike crashed regardless of what happened. See Pricing for charges.

What’s included

  • eBike
  • eBike Lock
  • Fully charged battery
  • Charging cable

What if there is a problem with the eBike on the road?

Depending on the situation, we will either provide you with a swapped eBike, repair the eBike on the road, or provide you with transportation to where you need to go on island without charge.

All bikes are rented with a fully charged battery and an optional charging cable if you like. If you run out of battery power, we have a fee for driving out and swapping the battery, subject to availability, or you must find a place to charge your eBike. If you wish to switch out your battery mid ride, you must come to our offices to collect it. Please call ahead, 778-956-7946, to see if we have a charged battery available to swap.

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