
You need want to ride, but your bike is giving you troubles? Ride worry free with our maintenance division.

At this time, we are only accepting eBikes that we have sold.

To book, please call, or pop by the shop when we’re open.

Common Repairs

Prices do not include parts

Tube/Tire Install$20
Tube/Tire Install Motor’d Rear Wheel$42
Shifting Adjustment Front or Rear$23.50
Brake Adjustment$23.50
Brake Pad Install & Adjustment$29
Chain Install$23.50
Wheel True per Wheel$45
Wheel True & Spoke Replacement$66
Disc Brake Bleed$54
Hydraulic Line Fix/Replace$64
Build Boxed Bike From Shipping$105
Assemble New Bike From OCM Box$128
Install Tannus Armour – Motor’d Tire$42
Install Tannus Armour – Non Motor’d Tire$32
Storage of Bikes *$12/day
Custom Solder Job Minimum**$19
Re Key Bike Battery$49
parts are extra

* Bikes left longer than 2 days past their pickup date begin to accrue daily storage fees. We are a small shop and can not accommodate storing bikes for a long duration. Bikes left longer than 14 days are disposed of or donated.

** Prices may vary depending on work required

Conversion Kits

We convert regular bikes into eBikes. We can do almost any bike, or make your eBike more powerful. While we have some motors and batteries in stock, we may have to order yours in. Come on by the store to see what we have in stock for you.


Please call to book an appointment. Please do not drop off bikes without an appointment. During spring and summer months, we may be backed up as much as 14 days. Please pick up your bike when services are finished. Daily storage rate applies to bikes left at our shop past service. Bikes are donated after 30 days.

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